Monday 17 August 2009

One down, lots to go.

Well I got my first Open University result back, this one from "Easy Maths Even You Can Do" or "MU120" as they call it. To be honest I probably could have skipped that course as it became pretty obvious early on that I could easily handle the maths involved but it was useful for revision, especially some of the later on trig as that was rather rusty and some of the stats stuff like boxplots was new to me (they didn't teach those back when I was a hatchling) and most of all it was useful for getting into doing things the OU way so I was not stressing about the maths and the admin.

I actually completed the course well ahead of the alloted time too and so it was a bit of a surprise when the results actually turned up and a very nice surprise to find I'd got 96% which is a first (or "distinction" as they call them) in anyones language except MU120 is a straight pass/fail.

It was even more surprising that what I call the "wibble" questions I got full marks for. The "wibble" questions are the non-mathematical ones that ask you to pick a bt of the course and say what you found hard, how you coped and what your "learning outcomes" were. I guess having lived with a social worker for the last 15 years helps here as I just came up with a stream of wibbly nonsense with the right kind of buzzwords in it and bingo, 16 marks out of 16. I don't mind this sort of question and I can see that in a low level course with people just starting out it makes sense but I don't agree with them being a marked part of the course and final exam work as, well, it's not really maths is it?

Still, bumped my marks up!